“Ian Bibian” – premiere

09 Dec
Sat, 9 December 2023
Start date
Музикално драматичен театър "Константин Кисимов" голяма зала

“There is a little devil inside each of us that often wants to come out. It’s up to us to allow him that.” Performance “Jan Bibian” is an adaptation of Elin Pelin’s famous children’s novel – “Jan Bibian”. Its extreme popularity is due to the embedded fantastical elements in the narrative and the whimsical fairy-tale characters – so loved by children. Of course, the main charm is encoded in the image of the incredible prankster Yan Bibian. His antics combined with captivating emotionality captivate the viewers.The strange friendship with the imp Fut and the adventures in the underground kingdom are the key to the incredible intrigue, and his fight with the magician Mirilailai and his servants takes the breath away of the viewers. The meeting with the beautiful captive of the sorcerer will awaken in the little boy unknown feelings until now. The fabulous sets, spectacular costumes and specially written music help the visual perception.

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