BIG BAND CHRISTMAS with Mihail Yosifov and Veleka Tsankova Concert of Big Band Veliko Tarnovo

BIG BAND CHRISTMAS with Mihail Yosifov and Veleka Tsankova Concert of Big Band Veliko Tarnovo

19 Dec
Tue, 19 December 2023
Start date
МДТ"Константин Кисимов" голяма зала

Big Band Veliko Tarnovo invites residents and guests of the Old Capital to its traditional holiday concert on the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays. The “BIG BAND CHRISTMAS” concert is with the special participation of Mihail Yosifov – one of the most outstanding Bulgarian musicians, a trumpeter with a virtuoso style, the author of dozens of club and studio projects, standing out with an inimitable creative handwriting. The soloist will be the talented singer Veleka Tsankova, and the conductor – maestro Vladimir Boshnakov.

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