Malotira (Portugal) Live Concert

Malotira (Portugal) Live Concert

05 apr.
vin, 5 aprilie 2024
Data de început
06 apr.
S, 6 aprilie 2024
Клуб ТАМ

On April 5th at 20:00 we welcome the Lisbon-based band Malotira and their Mediterranean and Balkan music. Entrance: BGN 15

After their concert in October, Malotira return to Veliko Tarnovo with their fresh Mediterranean and Balkan music that will easily get us dancing. The six musicians from Italy, Great Britain and Chile gather in Lisbon in 2020, touring the Balkans
and concerts around Portugal. Their music is inspired by different cultures – Greek, Italian, Slavic and Roma. At their concerts, the band seeks the elements of connection and dialogue between different ethnicities through music, dance and the dialects in which they sing.

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